

About Kiannaa

Kiannaa is the CEO of Being In Sync. Being In Sync will help you create a purposeful life, where you develop a greater sense of balance and clarity, and launch your dreams into the world.

How To Really Live Your Best Life

By |2019-01-23T06:40:58-08:00November 2nd, 2015|Personal Development|

Today with so many different ways to be bombarded with information. It's important that we keep the most important things simple. It is easy to live a calmer life. Here are 5 Daily Habits to Make Your Life Calmer and Healthier Have “Me” time. Take a “Me Day” weekly. Have time set aside for you to [...]

Teams In Sync… make being at work more fun

By |2019-01-23T06:40:58-08:00October 29th, 2015|Career|

The last few years I have focused on making things more fun (for me and my clients). Everything doesn't have to be so difficult. We make it that way by our attitudes. So why not make building your team more fun too? It can be done. Here are some simple tips that anyone can do [...]

5 Steps to Setting Up Healthy Boundaries

By |2019-01-23T06:40:58-08:00October 15th, 2015|Relationships|

Have you ever wondered why you feel so exhausted all the time? Is it because of work? Or perhaps family responsibilities? Unspoken conversations? A medical issue that needs to be addressed? Have you ever noticed how, during the holidays, you feel a bit more run down due to this unspoken expectation to BE UP and [...]

The Energy of Language

By |2019-01-23T06:40:59-08:00October 1st, 2015|Relationships|

How we speak about ourselves frames our experiences. What is a frame? A frame is a window through which we see something. We can actually change the window, perhaps make it a door, by changing our language. For example: “If I decide to leave this (job/relationship) the company/person will be ruined.” That is an assumption [...]

ALPHA Female

By |2019-01-23T06:40:59-08:00September 27th, 2015|Transition|

10 Signs YOU are an ALPHA Female You more often than not always have an answer and are always right. This can be extremely irritating for everyone around you. But you speak up, not being afraid of having the wrong answer but empowered to be working toward a solution. You take time to recognize others, always coming from a place of having enough. You truly know the [...]

10 Top Motivation Killers

By |2019-05-13T13:36:00-07:00September 23rd, 2015|Transition|

Negative Attitudes. Bad thoughts, ugly thoughts, vengeful feelings, shame, blame, etc. towards yourself and others is negativity and will kill your momentum and the momentum of those around you. Toxic environments. Do not underestimate the power of your environments at the office or the home. Do you have piles of papers sitting on your desk? [...]

What to Do When You are Feeling Out Of Sync

By |2019-01-23T06:40:59-08:00September 16th, 2015|Health and Wellness|

Feeling “out of sync” happens to everyone from time to time. Sometimes when it’s happening to you it can feel like nothing is working. When this happens, do not worry--it will turn around. When you are out of sync remember this: 1.You are not alone. Everyone has these times/days/weeks when it feels like you are [...]

Creating Your Personal Vision

By |2019-01-23T06:40:59-08:00September 16th, 2015|Personal Development|

Contrary to most intellectual thought processes, to me creating a vision is about tapping into your highest possibilities. Yes--that is right! As leaders it is not only our job, but our responsibility to provide possibilities for others. As a coach, it is not uncommon for clients to come to me feeling broken (mentally, physically and [...]

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