

About Kiannaa

Kiannaa is the CEO of Being In Sync. Being In Sync will help you create a purposeful life, where you develop a greater sense of balance and clarity, and launch your dreams into the world.

The F Word. Failure

By |2019-01-23T06:40:54-08:00July 7th, 2016|Personal Development|

Failure. It’s one of those experiences most people try to avoid. However, nearly all successful people understand something most people try to avoid, and it’s this: Failure is a critical part of growth. If you are not failing you are not growing. Many people in the workforce consider getting fired or laid off from a [...]

Opportunity for Healing

By |2019-01-23T06:40:54-08:00June 30th, 2016|Health and Wellness|

Sometimes clients come to me and the unexpected happens. They open up in ways they never expected. Understandably, this can be both shocking and overwhelming because they experience themselves for the first time in a way that they have been typically hiding from the world. It takes courage and a certain degree of risk to [...]

10 Common Being In Sync Mistakes and How to Remedy Them:

By |2019-01-23T06:40:54-08:00May 26th, 2016|Personal Development|

You want things to happen faster. The pace of BEING is only a perception. There is only now. Realize that a bunch of flawed beliefs got you out of sync and it will take one moment at a time to get you back in Too much worry and doubt. Life is short and worry doesn’t [...]

First Impressions Make A Difference

By |2019-01-23T06:40:55-08:00April 28th, 2016|Personal Development|

Lets admit it, first impressions last. You do not get second chances to have another first moment.  RIP Prince, his music, art, way of taking as stand for a cause, made the whole world notice.  Did you know that your energy enters the room before you do? Have you ever found yourself in a meeting, [...]

10 Simple Habits for Living Fully

By |2019-01-23T06:40:55-08:00April 21st, 2016|Health and Wellness|

Part 1: Just because things are simple, that doesn’t mean they are easy. However, simple is the way to go. With practice, the impossible becomes possible. Never, ever give up. Here are some ways to simplify your life. Witness everything: To be an observer, one must have the gift of “seeing.” To truly see others [...]

Giving Up On One’s Self: When You’re Broken and Floundering

By |2019-01-23T06:40:55-08:00March 31st, 2016|Personal Development|

It was right around 3pm one day when I encountered a former client of mine. Hidden from everyone else, there he was to meet me with a warm greeting. He had always been a gentleman and carried himself with poise. Except this time, I sensed something was very different—very off. As we chatted, I noticed [...]

Helping Others Know Their Worth

By |2019-01-23T06:40:55-08:00March 18th, 2016|Relationships|

I was recently interviewed by TellJanus. Check out the recording here Kiannaa Sadge has always had an innate ability to lift others up. If asked what she knows best, she would say, “I’m a relationship expert.” In actuality, her purpose can be whittled down into its rawest form: Kiannaa helps people find their own, personal [...]

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