

About Kiannaa

Kiannaa is the CEO of Being In Sync. Being In Sync will help you create a purposeful life, where you develop a greater sense of balance and clarity, and launch your dreams into the world.

10 Tips for those of YOU who are far from where YOU want to BE.

By |2019-01-23T06:40:59-08:00September 16th, 2015|Personal Development|

Are you feeling a bit stuck? Is your life where you thought it would be at this time in your life? Has your career’s momentum stalled? Do you have a dream but aren’t sure if you should go for it or not? Often, people feel like they are lost, off track, or unsure of what [...]

Job Transitions

By |2019-01-23T06:40:59-08:00August 23rd, 2015|Transition|

It seems everyone I speak with is trying to get to their “next”--next promotion, next position, next new job, next new company, next, next, next. I am proud of my non-traditional approach toward job transitioning. Pay attention, because this is the secret: It’s never really about where you are going, but more about where you [...]

10 reasons why YOU need to believe YOU can feel better now

By |2019-01-23T06:41:00-08:00August 18th, 2015|Health and Wellness|

Sometimes we just need simple reminders of who we really are. 1. You are alive and able to read this list. 2. You are great simply for being who you are. 3. There is no special “secret” everyone else has but you don’t. Your mindset determines your wellbeing. 4. You have the power to make [...]

10 Ways to Boost Your Energy

By |2019-01-23T06:41:00-08:00August 14th, 2015|Health and Wellness|

Stop complaining and start affirming. Negative talk depletes everyone. When you affirm and compliment others you create more joy for everyone. Turn on the inner peace and turn off the negative media. Drink more water! Hydration is important. If you are dehydrated, your energy levels will be low too. Most people don’t realize that when [...]

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